Strategic Clinical Governance Video Workshop 

for Boards and Executives

Workshop Overview 

Implementing clinical (or quality) governance as a strategy for leading and governing a high performing organisation. 


A 1.5 - 2 hour video workshop suitable for: boards, executives, senior managers and quality and clinical governance teams across acute, aged and community services.


Do you ever feel that there's a lot of clinical governance activity in your organisation - but that care and services are not showing the improvement they should be as a result?  When you're discussing clinical governance around the board table, is everyone is on the same page about what it means - or their role in it?  Do you have a shared picture of what success looks like and how clinical governance can help you achieve it?  Or are you using the clinical governance 'hope' method: doing lots - and hoping that something good comes out of it?


Clinical governance can be an end in itself - a 'laundry list' of things that have to be done for accreditation.  When implemented in this way, clinical governance is a lot of hard work that doesn't always get you a return on investment at point of care.  This is transactional clinical governance - often reduced to a series of tasks and committees that gobble up time and resources with not enough to show for it in the quality of your care and services. 


Or  - it can be skilfully governed and led as a means to and end: building a bridge between your strategic plan commitment to greatness  - and operational reality.


This workshop is designed to make sense of clinical governance so that boards and executives can develop a common understanding of how to use it  to enhance their organisation's performance.


The content is aimed at both experienced and new board and executive members. 'Old hands' will discover new ways of refreshing and re-crafting their clinical governance systems as strategies for developing high performing care organisations. Less experienced members will absorb why clinical governance is important and their role in leading it.


The material can be viewed in groups or individually: as an education session, onboarding for new board and executive members, a CG refresher, and/or a group planning discussion to plot the way forward for a more strategic clinical governance approach in your organisation.


NOTE: as this workshop is designed for boards, executives and senior managers across acute, aged and community service sectors, it does not teach a specific clinical governance standard. The CG information is generic and helps explain  your accreditation program's clinical governance requirements - but does not dive into standard-specific components.  The intent is to show how clinical governance as a system can be used to drive high quality care and services (useful for Aged Care Royal Commission recommendations!) Note also that this is a pre-recorded video workshop. 


More details: Scroll down for more info on workshop content, resources - and a bonus! 


Purchase the Strategic Clinical Governance Video Workshop: checkout using PayPal or credit card below.  Once your payment has been processed, you'll be redirected to a page where you can access the workshop video immediately, and download the link to the video and workshop resources to save for later use.



Strategic Clinical Governance for Boards and Executives

Using clinical governance as a strategy for high performance: video workshop


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The Strategic Clinical Governance Workshop

The workshop is in powerpoint video format, narrated by Dr Cathy Balding. 


The material is presented in a 1.5 hour pre-recorded video workshop,  with reflection and discussion questions throughout. If these questions are used to facilitate discussion amongst participants, this will add 15-30 minutes to the session length.  Engaging in the discussion (or reflection if watching individually) is encouraged as it will support you to develop a common language and approach to clinical governance and how it can be strategically applied in your organisation.  


Boards and Executives can watch it as a group and work through the exercises together to plan the approach to shaping clinical governance as a driver for high quality care and services; or watch it separately and come together to discuss and plan at your next meeting.


The workshop is structured in two parts

to support viewing over separate sessions if desired:



  • Part 1 gives an overview 'what' clinical (or quality) governance is and 'why' it's important as a foundation of high quality care and services.  The material leads you through defining  high quality care and services and shows how to position clinical governance as a cornerstone of achieving this experience for every consumer.


  • Part 2 leads you through the 'how' to govern and lead clinical governance to support high performance and high quality care in your organisation, including role clarity, measurement, questions to ask about quality and safety data, developing the right mindset and culture, and 'warning bells' that indicate your clinical governance system may not be effective. 

  • Resources

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